Thursday, August 6, 2009

2009 Running For "Change"

It's been way to long since the last update on this blog. Since the last update another half and full marathon were completed along with the world's largest 1ok race. I'll go back and update race reports on those later but since the heat of summer has staggered my training I thought it was time to do an update.

I've decided to call this year, "2009 Running For Change," in hopes of keeping my butt out of Guantanamo, Leavenworth, or wherever my liberal neighbors end up sending me after posting this blog. Remember, Big Brother is watching me! Right Linda Douglas?

For me "running for change" represents the money I continue hoping to raise for Livestrong before the government decides to take control of non-profit organizations. As many of you know I ditched my affiliation 3 years ago with the party that lost the last election. So, in light of the new dictate from the emperor, I'm going to attempt to be a kinder, gentler, more Social-Demokraten writer kind of way to please "his highness." pun intended. I find the time I spend running is the only time during the day I don't have to worry about my crazy green neighbor, the idiots that blindly follow politicians, or how much I'm going to be taxed for doing this blog next year. Instead it's a time to get my eyes back on goals, clear my head and attempt to recharge and walk back in the house with a glass is half full type of attitude.
Goals remain important when running for change. Here are 5
1. Think about setting a goal for how much "change" you will save by cutting your breakfast & lunch budgets in half during training for your next race.
2. Set a goal to "change" the amount of time you give back to causes you believe in. Just think if you were as passionate about your cause as the emperor is about health care you could be the next President.
3. Setting a goal to "change" the way you approach your fitness level. No matter if you are a couch potato or and elite marathoner, there are always ways to be better.
4. Set a goal to help "change" the better way of life for your family and friends. OK, so you don't have to buy them a new car, government has already handled that for you, but making sure to support the accomplishments, goals, and business your friends and family depend on makes you a true friend. I was recently reminded of this when a cousin of mine reminded me the importance of this in the midst of everything going on today. Caution though, she's a conservative and was probably prompted by the RNC to say this.
5. No matter what, don't forget to "change" your goals. I've found as important as it is to set goals, it's also as important to do a reality check from time to time. Remember that the time we live in, our environment, our health, and our economics constantly "change" and so will your goals.

I feel good to be back on the blogging horse and promise not to make it so long between the next post.

Fins Up!