Thursday, October 30, 2008

Runners World made me do it!

So, if your asking yourself why Cliff needs a running blog I'll try to answer that in my first post. Anyone that knows me well knows that I love to write. I've even started on two books that will probably never get completed. Therefore, with my time restrictions because of family, work, and training commitments, my creative outlet has mostly been focused on the discussion boards at

A few weeks ago Rodale, the company that owns RW, made a brilliant decision to combine the screen names and addresses of all of their companies. For the past two and half years, ALL of my training runs, routes, and notes have been stored on their easy to use site. When they combined everything, they zapped my e-mail address from their database and all of my information was lost, including my Race Notes from all of my races. I do have a couple of them backed up and will post here for anyone that wants to read.

So, I decided to start over here. I'm keeping my training logs now on my own and will post my rants and raves here for anyone who cares. My goal is not to update this daily or even weekly but only when I find something of interest to write about. Things like races, events, or mostly things I see when I'm out on training runs that are either helpful or funny will most likely motivate me to sit down and write.

I can tell you this. I've discovered that runners share a unique bond and usually relate or have opinions on others goals and challenges. I hope you find some motivation and humor in these post.

Thanks for allowing me to bore you. Now on to the post!